We do not automatically refund you for any remaining time when you cancel a subscription or delete an account.
In most cases, canceling your subscription before the end of your subscription means you will have access to paid features until the end of your subscription term. If you only need a paid plan for a short time, we offer a monthly plan. In accordance with our terms of services, when you cancel your subscription, previous charges woould not be refunded unless legally required. If you are located in another region where we are legally required to issue a refund on an early cancellation, or you have any questions about cancellations or refunds, please contact us.
Inactive Accounts
If you have not logged into your account for more than 1 year we consider the account inactive and it will be permanently deleted. No refunds shall be made for any unused credits or services or such accounts.
Log into your account to maintain access—you may need to reset your password after a long period of inactivity.
End of Refunds Policy
If you have any questions about our Cancellation Policy, please contact us at the following address or email:
Hummz Policy Queries
40 NRI Complex Greater Kailash 4
New Delhi 110019, India